- 不幸にして民族間の事件にはこれを裁く上告裁判所というものがない
unfortunately there is no court of appeal in affairs between peoples 意味
- "unfortunately i am too busy to reap advantage of this offer" 意味
- "unfortunately it wasn't the season for figs when i was in smyrna" 意味
- "unfortunately somebody overheard my aside to the effect that the prime minister was a fool" 意味
- "unfortunately the book is not immediately available" 意味
- "unfortunately the condition was diagnosed too late" 意味
- "unfortunately they didn't live happily ever afterward" 意味
- "unfortunately we are still considerably behind in the building program" 意味
- "unfortunately we don't yet have the technique to process this information" 意味
- "unfortunately we had bad seats for the play" 意味
- "unfortunately the book is not immediately available" 意味
- "unfortunately the condition was diagnosed too late" 意味
- "unfortunately they didn't live happily ever afterward" 意味
- "unfortunately we are still considerably behind in the building program" 意味