unfortunately there is no court of appeal in affairs between peoples 意味

  • 不幸にして民族間の事件にはこれを裁く上告裁判所というものがない


        appeal (in court):    appeal (in court) 上訴 じょうそ
        appeal court:    上訴{じょうそ}法廷{ほうてい}[裁判所{さいばんしょ}]、控訴審{こうそしん}
        appeal to the court:    裁判所に訴える
        court of appeal:    《英》控訴院◆【同】Supreme Court of Judicature。◆英国には他国のような最高裁はない。上院(貴族院)の中の控訴院(Court of Appeal)が最高裁の役割を果す。民事に関しては英国全体の最高裁となりし、刑事ではスコットランドを除く。判事は貴族院議員なので一代貴族(life peer)に叙せられる。◆【参考】Lord Chancellor(大法官) ; Membe
        the court of appeal:     the Cóurt of Appéal (1) ((米))上訴裁判所(court of appeals). (2) ((英))(最高法院の一部の)控訴院.
        appeal strongly to peoples of the world over:    世界中{せかいじゅう}の人々{ひとびと}に強く訴える
        strengthening of confidence between peoples:    諸国民間{しょこく みんかん}の信頼{しんらい}の強化{きょうか}
        unfortunately:     unfortunately adv. 残念ながら, 不運にも. 【+前置詞】 Unfortunately for us, the bombing began before we could re-form. われわれにとって不運だったのは爆撃が隊を立て直す前に始まったのだ.
        unfortunately for:    (人)にとって都合悪くも
        unfortunately...:    unfortunately... 憚り様 はばかりさま
        appeal (to the supreme court):    appeal (to the supreme court) 上告 じょうこく
        appeal a case to a higher court:    事件を上訴[上告]する
        appeal against the court ruling:    判決{はんけつ}に対して上訴{じょうそ}する
        appeal the court ruling:    (判決{はんけつ}を)控訴{こうそ}する
        appeal the court's decision:    裁判所{さいばんしょ}の決定{けってい}について上訴{じょうそ}する


  1. "unfortunately i am too busy to reap advantage of this offer" 意味
  2. "unfortunately it wasn't the season for figs when i was in smyrna" 意味
  3. "unfortunately somebody overheard my aside to the effect that the prime minister was a fool" 意味
  4. "unfortunately the book is not immediately available" 意味
  5. "unfortunately the condition was diagnosed too late" 意味
  6. "unfortunately they didn't live happily ever afterward" 意味
  7. "unfortunately we are still considerably behind in the building program" 意味
  8. "unfortunately we don't yet have the technique to process this information" 意味
  9. "unfortunately we had bad seats for the play" 意味
  10. "unfortunately the book is not immediately available" 意味
  11. "unfortunately the condition was diagnosed too late" 意味
  12. "unfortunately they didn't live happily ever afterward" 意味
  13. "unfortunately we are still considerably behind in the building program" 意味

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